Time to start blogging again!

It has been far too long since my last post, and since then, so much has happened:

  1. I finished my second and final semester of my postgraduate programme:  After Easter break, I turned in a total of 10 different assignments, which was more intense that I had originally anticipated.  Some were individual, others group and all took an excessive amount of effort to finish.  I could calculate approximately how many words I wrote, but I might frighten you.  Second semester turned out to be a bit better than the first, but there were still roadblocks along the way.  If you’re reading this, and considering coming to England to study from another country, just know that the teaching style here will probably be different than what you’re used to.  I’ve spent more hours teaching myself this year than I could have imagined.  While this is not entirely a bad thing, I wasn’t prepared for this, making the entire years a complete learning curve.  But, I did learn a great deal over the past 8 months.  I wouldn’t say I’m an expert in any one subject, but I do have a better understanding about a wide variety of digital marketing areas.
  1. I started my dissertation: Just when I thought my days were going to be a little easier…bam!  My proposal was approved, I received a supervisor and was off and rolling.  I’m really enjoying my topic so far and have been told it could really add some new knowledge to the marketing industry.  Who knows, maybe it will! More on my dissertation later, but don’t want to get ahead of myself.  Here’s a little hint…it’s all about hashtags!
  1. I spent 17 days traveling around Ireland, England and Scotland:  After handing in my last assignment, I had a few days to relax before catching a 6:50am flight from Southampton to Dublin to meet my parents.  While they had some issues (cancelled flight out of Chicago and unfriendly employees of an airline that will not be named), I made it to one of my favourite cities without any issues.  This trip was a great experience for the three of us, though I think my parents were pretty tuckered out by the time they returned how.  Admittedly, I was too! More posts and pictures to come on this trip in the coming days.


I have no excuses anymore to not blog regularly.  In fact, blogging will probably help me clear my brain of my dissertation research and everything else that is going on.  Be on the lookout for posts about  the rest of my trip to Germany, most recent travels and any other new and exciting adventures I have from now on.

TFM&A 2014

Last week, I was up and on the coach before sunrise, heading to London for TFM&A 2014.  The Technology for Marketing and Advertising conference is an annual event for professionals in the marketing and advertising industry.  It provides presentations about new and upcoming technologies and innovations, information on products and services and networking opportunities.

IMG_3120Why did I go?  An excellent question!  My main reason for attending was to learn more about the digital marketing industry from a real-life perspective.  While I did work in advertising, it was only for a quick 2 years and I am far from a digital expert.  Also, being back in the classroom only provides a theoretical view of how to understand analytics or design a digital strategy.  The professionals at TFM&A not only understand what has been, they are also the ones predicting what will come in terms of social media trends, the evolution of brands and the next “big thing” in technology.  So, I wanted to surround myself with these people and pick their brains for information.

What did I learn?  More than I can put into one blog post, that’s for sure!  But let me summarise some of they key takeaways I discovered:

1. Social media has changed our lives:  Whether it is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any of the others out there, you can’t ignore them.  Social media outlets aren’t just for posting pictures and keeping in touch with long-lost  high school friends anymore.  They have changed the ways in which consumers consume media and how the media generates and provides information to their consumers.  I attended a keynote given by Anthony Simon, Head of Digital Communications, Prime Minister’s Office & Cabinet Office, who told us how the Prime Minister uses Facebook to provide people with emotional content, such as updates on the current UK Flooding.  A few years back, this information would have most likely been disclosed in a press release but thanks to the evolution of social media, the day of the press release may be coming to an end.  You may not have seen it coming, but how we communicate has, and will continue to, change.

2. Master’s degrees aren’t what they used to be: At one point during the “Panel debate: The future of marketing – have Gen X and Gen Y got what it takes?” keynotes, I started to have second thoughts about pursuing my master’s degree.  One of the Gen X panel members make a comment about how he could care less if a future employee had some “fancy MBA” or other degree.  You can probably imagine my face changing from a smile to one that showed pure horror.  Fortunately, other people on the panel weighed in on the topic and said sometimes it matters, sometimes it doesn’t.  But, HR departments still see it as an impressive accomplishment, which can help candidates land an interview.  They also said that a master’s degree is more about the experiences one took to achieve it.  Those experiences are what a future employer wants to hear about in an interview and those experiences are what will set up apart from the rest.

3. Passion outweighs everything:  You can be good, heck, even great at something, but if you don’t have passion for it, you might as well pack your bags.  Passion and curiosity are the key driving forces to becoming a successful marketer.  Without them, you’ll probably be out of a job.  The marketing and advertising industries are progressing before our eyes every day and you need to be ready and willing to evolve with them.  You might not know what the changes are, but that’s OK.  As long as your curiosity drives you to get out of bed every day to do something you’re passionate about, you’re going to make it.

These are just some of the many insights I gained at TFM&A 2014.  I could go on and on about statistics and data I picked up, but in the digital world, that information is probably already out of date.  However, the above takeaways are ideas I can put in my marketing toolkit and use in the coming months as I look for a job, and in my future marketing/advertising career.


Off to the Isle of Wight

With a week of break ahead of us, a group of my classmates and I decided to take advantage of another sunny day and head to the Isle of Wight.

IW Group

The Isle of Wight is England’s largest island (which is funny since England is an island itself but, I digress). Queen Victoria chose the Isle of Wight as her summer retreat and would spend periods of time at the Osborne House.  The Beatles even included this island in their song, “When I’m Sixty-Four”.   Also, since it is an island, you can’t forget about its boat making history and dinosaur fossils.  For a small island, it has a lot to offer.

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Unfortunately, Mondays in January are not the time to visit the Isle of Wight since most of the museums and shops were closed.  Nevertheless, we took the quick 25-minute ferry ride from Southampton to the city of East Cowes.

IMG_1693Once off the ferry, we started exploring the town.  As most of the shops were closed, we stayed close to the shoreline.


We ran into a few quick rain showers but it eventually cleared up and the rest of the day consisted of sunshine and steady temperatures.

Rainy Day

From East Cowes we grabbed the 1 bus and headed to the main city on the island – Newport.  Here, we found the action – people out and about working, shopping and going about their day-to-day business.  I must say I was quite surprised to see so many people.  On a map, the island looks pretty small.  But, in reality, looks can be deceiving!

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After wondering the streets and finding a beautiful church, we settled on some pizza and pasta before grabbing the 7 bus and heading to Alum Bay on the far west side of the island.

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From our estimation, it should have taken about an hour from Newport to Alum Bay.  Unfortunately, this didn’t happen.  At one point, the bus driver came over the intercom to say our bus wasn’t working properly and she’d have to shut it off.  A few minutes later she had it going again and we proceed…but only for a few more minutes.  Like any island, there are very few main roads and when one is under construction, all are affected.  We sat at a standstill for a good 20 minutes waiting for our turn to pass.  Thankfully, we found ways to entertain ourselves.


After a few more detours, we finally reached Alum Bay but only to be told that the bus we were getting off of was the last bus on the night.  Not what you want to hear when it’s getting dark and the next town with bus services is at least a 20 minute walk up the road.  As a group, we decided to take our chances and raced to The Needles to catch a glimpse of the final moments of the sunset.


After the sun set, we were trying to come up with a plan for getting back to the ferry.  Out of nowhere, we noticed a bus coming towards us.  Guess there was one more bus after all!  I raced towards it to make sure he saw us and didn’t leave without us.  Pause for a moment – I hate running, so for me to run for anything is a big deal!  Thankfully, we made the bus and were able to grab a ferry back to Southampton.

Another great day trip!  Though many of the attractions were closed, we still had a great day.  Can’t wait to go back in the spring or summer and experience more of the Isle of Wight!

A True Lambeau Field Experience

IMG_2735Isn’t that the most beautiful picture you’ve ever seen?  Well, maybe not EVER, but it sure is pretty.  These are the tickets my brother got me for Christmas to my first Packers game in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Now, I’m from Illinois, so it would be assumed that I’m a Bears fan.  And for a while, when I look back at pictures of myself as a child, my parents dressed me in Bears outfits.  Fortunately, my brother and I spent many summers with our cousin John, a fellow Packers fan, in Wisconsin.  Our Grandma and Grandpa Neshek are from Northern Wisconsin and still have a cottage up there.  We spent many warm summers and cold winters swimming, jet skiing, snowmobiling, eating cheese, drinking beer and and becoming honorary Wisconsinites.  Alas, our love for the Packers grew every time we drove over the Leo Frigo Bridge and saw Lambeau in the distance.

When my brother said he bought tickets for Sunday’s Steelers vs. Packers game, I went and found some essential Packers gear.



We almost didn’t make the 2 1/2 hour drive from Kenosha, WI to Green Bay due to the snow.  Fortunately, the state of Wisconsin did an excellent job of clearing the roads,  making our journey possible.  My sister-in-law was called off work on Sunday and was able to join us too!



We made it to Lambeau field and started the layering process.  It was FREEZING but we made sure to wear long underwear, jeans, shirts, sweatshirts, snow pants, jackets, hats, gloves and scarves.  After grabbing a few drinks, we set out from the car to the main tailgating parking lot.  On the way, we ran into some true Wisconsin people in their orange camouflage and head-to-toe Packers gear.

IMG_2745When we finally made it inside we grabbed a Miller Lite, found our seats and chanted “GO PACK GO” with the 77,999 screaming fans.

IMG_2769IMG_2779While a win would have been great, the experience was still amazing and one I won’t forget.  Definitely one of the best Christmas presents I’ve ever received!



Learning to Make Baklava

Now, let me start with…I don’t have a hint of Greek in me.  I’m born and raised American with Polish, Prussian, German, French-Canadian and Native American ancestors.  Quite a mix, but no Greek to be found.

Nevertheless, yesterday I learned to make a very traditional Greek treat, Baklava.

My mom’s friend Trudy comes from a Greek background and has been making Baklava for years.  As a child, she learned from her Yaya and has kept the tradition alive since.  She came to our house on Monday morning with a bag of materials and the recipe stored safely in her head.  This baffled me, as I almost never bake without a set recipe in front of me.  Trudy, on the other hand, goes off of what feels right and the motto, “this is how Yaya made it!”

To start, we needed: walnuts, sugar, cloves, cinnamon, butter (LOTS of butter!), lemon peel and honey.


We started by grinding the walnuts with a nut grind.  I’d never seen one of these before but apparently you can buy them at any home goods store.  By using a hand-powered nut grinder, you get just the right ratio of walnut pieces to walnut powder as well as more consistently sized walnut chunks.

IMG_1398 Sugar, cinnamon and ground cloves were then added to the walnut mixture and set aside.

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Next, a pound, yes, a POUND of butter was melted in a microwave-safe bowl.


From there, the layering began!  To save time, we used premade Phyllo, or Filo, dough that was cut and ready to go.  We buttered the pan and added 6-8 layers of Phyllo dough with, of course, butter between each layer.

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Then, sprinkled the nut mixture evenly and added two more layers of dough.  Nuts, Phyllo, butter, nuts Phyllo, butter…repeated until the nut mixture ran out.  Then it was on to alternating Phyllo and butter until the Phyllo was gone.

IMG_1413 IMG_1414 Baklava must be evenly cut before it’s baked.  We used a flexible ruler to cut diamond-shaped pieces.  Why diamonds?  As Trudy told us, “that’s just how you cut baklava.”

IMG_1417 IMG_1419 We baked the baklava, “until it looks right.”  This meant a golden brown top with the dough baking away from the sides of the pan.


As the baklava baked we created the simple syrup for the top and between the layers.  While water, 4 cups of sugar and cinnamon sticks boiled on the stove, we took whole cloves and stuck them into lemon peels.  This eliminated the problem of fishing the cloves from the mixture later.

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After the syrup came to a boil, it had to reach 220°F before adding in the honey.


Once the baklava came out of the oven, we poured the honey mixture on top to fill in all the crevices.  Unfortunately, this sweet treat has to sit overnight so the pastry could thoroughly absorb the honey mixture.

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So, we had baklava for breakfast today, which was totally worth the wait!  The sweetness of the honey mixture with the spiced nuts and flaky dough was the perfect way to start this cold, December day.


Thank you Trudy, for sharing your family recipe with us during this holiday season!

Le Petit Parisien in Dublin, Ireland

Ireland.  The land St. Patrick’s Day, Guinness, green grass and….French pastries?  Yes, French pastries.  Le Petit Parisien is a quaint coffee shop/bakery/cafe located in the heart of Dublin.  My aunt, uncle and cousin stumbled upon it the day before I arrived and, not knowing we were in the same place the next day, we stumbled upon it again.  With the rain starting to come down harder, and a very enticing window display, it was the perfect excuse to take cover for some breakfast.



But not just any breakfast.  Sitting in a cozy window seat surrounded by Christmas music and holiday spirit, we started out with one of the best cappuccinos I’ve had.  Now, I spent 6 months in Italy back in 2010, so I’ve had my fair share of cappuccinos, and this one is hard to beat!


My cousin, who is not a fan of coffees or cappuccinos, opted for a hot chocolate instead.  They served it to him in a glass where the first 3/4 was milk and the bottom was filled with chocolate, allowing him to mix it himself.


With hot drinks in our hands, we were served pastry after pastry after pastry.  While my uncle ordered porridge, my cousin and I ordered fruit scones with homemade strawberry jam.


My aunt, having had a scone the day before, went big and ordered the  vanilla cream pastry that caught her eye from the window.


Seeing as it’s the holiday season, and I’ve seen mince pies everywhere for weeks, we decided to try one.  A mince pie is a fruit-based mincemeat sweet pie served during the Christmas season.  Having no idea what it was going to taste like, I was pleasantly surprised with its sweet, spiced flavour and flaky crust.

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If you’re in Dublin, and looking for an amazing breakfast with a cozy atmosphere, I highly recommend you check out Le Petit Parisien.  For more information, check out their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/LPPCafe.

An American/British/Faroese Thanksgiving

Well, another Thanksgiving has come and gone, but it will be one I’ll always remember.

As we sat at lunch on 28 November before a 4 hour lecture, one of my friends asked me, “will this be your first Thanksgiving without family?” At that point, I truly realised how far away I was from my family. Boom, just like that, total shut down. Let’s just say sitting through that lecture was not a pleasant experience.

Fortunately, I had something to look forward to after class. Thanks to the hospitality of some amazing friends, we feasted like…Americans! There was turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole and the best homemade gravy I’ve ever had.



Great food, Call of Duty, and some amazing friends made this year’s Thanksgiving in England a memorable one.

A night out at the German Bar

Let me tell you, being a postgrad is not all fun and games.  But, when times get stressful, my friends and I are learning that we need to step away from the computers, close the books, and have a little fun.  On Thursdays, we have lecture from 2:00pm – 6:00pm.  This, my friends, is a very long time to try and pay attention to one lecturer.

Usually after this lecture we head to The Stag’s Head, our campus pub, for pizza, beer, and table football (foosball).  Last Thursday, we decided to branch out and head to the city centre.


With the holidays approaching, Southampton is slowly changing into a winter wonderland.  At the city centre, the food stalls have been converted into Bavarian-themed huts and they’ve placed a German Bar smack dab in the middle of everything.  With our brains feeling like mush after class, we decided to check it out.


Now, for a German Bar, in England, we expected some of the workers to be, well, German.  Low and behold, they were English.  But, the beer was cold, the mulled wine was hot, and the sausages were delicious!

IMG_2359IMG_2363With reports, essays and presentations looming over our heads, it’s hard to take a few minutes, or hours, for ourselves.  But, thanks to the holiday spirit, we took a timeout from university life and had a memorable evening.

DM Group at German Bar

Creative DigiFest

Yesterday I attended the Creative DigiFest at the De Vere Grand Harbour Hotel in Southampton, England.  The morning consisted of business pitches given to a panel of 5 “Dragons”.  There were some very innovative ideas and the video gives snippets from each pitch.

As a DigiChamp, I took videos and tweeted throughout the event.  Check-out my Twtitter profile, @AmandaBobel, to see more tweets and pictures from the event or click here: https://twitter.com/AmandaBobel.  Make sure to start following me so we can explore and experience the digital marketing world together!


Crafting is the Best Medicine for Stress Relief

Homesickness.  If you’ve ever lived away from home, you know exactly what this is.  If you haven’t, it isn’t fun.  I knew there would be a day that I’d start to miss home but it’s not something you mark on the calendar and prepare for in advance.  It hits you when you’re most vulnerable.  For me, that day was Monday.  Middle of the semester, one course ending, another course starting, due dates looming over my head…the elements of a perfect storm.  Alas, meltdown.  Thanks Mom and Dad for answering my Skype call so late at night!

I needed something to get my mind off school for an afternoon so my friends Liv, Foteini, and I decided we needed a little craft therapy.  And, what perfect timing, as the holidays are quickly approaching.

On Wednesday we set out to some craft shops, the pound store, and the 99P store for some affordable materials and headed to Liv’s house.  Prior to our arrival, Liv put out Christmas candies and had her iPad ready with festive music.  We listened to Christmas tunes in English, Swedish, Faroese, Danish, and maybe a few others, I can’t be quite certain.   She even made us a delicious, homemade dinner to end the evening.  Best hostess ever!  Many thanks to the Justinussen home for your hospitality.

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In the end, we only finished a few crafts but had some much needed girl talk.  One of the crafts we made were snowflakes out of popsicle sticks which you can find here: http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/originals/9c/31/56/9c31568348fd88258e439f6362f73963.jpg.  We also made yarn bowls – http://www.saifou.com/entry/20670.html -, but they were still drying when we left so I’m really hoping they turned out.


We’ll just have to see next Wednesday night when we have Crafting Night Part 2.


The University of Southampton’s Web Science Institute

Yesterday, The University of Southampton launched the Web Science Institute.  With only one other WSI in England, this is a very exciting time for the University and Web Science programme.   The Institute will study the web and the impacts it has on economics, politics, technology, and society.


(An introduction from Vice-Chancellor, Professor Don Nutbeam)

In an interview with BBC News, Professor Dame Wendy Hall, one of the WSI founders, said, “There is a ‘perfect storm’ brewing which combines open data, open education and open research, so this is a very exciting time to be launching the Web Science Institute.”  For the full article, check out: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-24898583

In addition to the WSI launch, the University’s first MOOC went live yesterday.  This Massive Open Online Course focuses on the origins and evolution of the web.  As of yesterday, thousands have signed up for the course from all over the world.  For more information on the Web Science MOOC, and future University of Southampton MOOCs, visit the Future Learn website: https://www.futurelearn.com/partners/university-of-southampton.

IMG_2230(Dr. Lisa Harris speaking about the Digital Economy)

Fellow DigiChamp Merel van Dijke and I were invited to the launch to conduct interviews with key members of the WSI as well as other University of Southampton Web Science staff members.  Working with Simon Morice and David Willox, we set-up video equipment, took pictures, and were prepped with questions.  When it came time to conduct the interviews, I was a bit intimidated.  Here I was, an international MSc student, ready to interview some of the most influential people in the Web Science world.

But, once we started rolling, my nerves settled and I started to enjoy the experience. Some of the people we interviewed were:

  • Vice–Chancellor, Professor Don Nutbeam
  • Professor, Dame Wendy Hall
  • Professor, Sir Nigel Shadbolt

They were all very nice and extremely knowledgeable, making for smooth, informative interviews.


(Interviewing Professor, Sir Nigel Shadbolt)

With the world of Web Science evolving right before our eyes, this event has made me extremely excited and curious about the knowledge and technologies that will come about in the approaching years.

Preparing for the Future

When I graduated from Arizona State University, I went to work for Moses.  Though we had Ten Commandments, they unfortunately weren’t written on stone tablets.  Moses Anshell is an Arizona based advertising agency with a national reputation for remarkable work that you can check out at www.mosesanshell.com.

Halloween 2012I was fortunate to be hired on as a Junior Media Buyer/Planner after only a few short weeks as a Media/Strategy intern. The thing I loved most about working at Moses was how close the team was. I feel I was given more opportunities there than I would have been at a larger agency. Did I know exactly what I was doing during the first few months?  No.  But, I was fortunate to have the support and guidance from some amazing Seniors/Directors/VPs to help make sure I was successful.  Don’t get me wrong, I have a LONG way to go when it comes to learning about media planning and buying.  However, I am confident that the skills I learned at Moses will benefit me in my future and I am eternally grateful to all the people that have helped me so far.

Christmas 2012

With two years of work experience under my belt and (fingers crossed!) a MSc Digital Marketing degree from the University of Southampton, how do I go about finding a job?  What tools are out there to better prepare me for the job market?  After speaking with Neil’s Recruitment (http://www.neilsrecruitment.co.uk/), I’ve learned some key ways on how to make myself stand out from the crowd and prepare for a future in digital marketing.

One of the most essential recruitment tools today is LinkedIn.  This site allows members to create a personal profile highlighting your work experience, educational background, and current skills.  LinkedIn also lets you interact with past employers and co-workers as well as connect with new and potential companies.  Many companies post job listings on LinkedIn thereby making it easy to search for relevant positions.  In my quest for a job after graduation, I need to start using LinkedIn to its fullest potential.  There are many groups specifically for digital media/marketing that I must interact with.  This will benefit me when I am close to graduation and seeking a full-time position.

Blogging is an extremely important tool for marketers. With my personal blog, I am able to create my own digital footprint and give readers an insightful look into my personal, academic, and professional life.  But personal blogging is only the half of it.  Reading and interacting with others through blogs can help foster relationships that would not have been otherwise possible.

Connecting and interacting with companies on LinkedIn and continuing to blog are two activities I plan to use to prepare myself for a digital marketing career.  However I am not limiting myself to these two activities.  There are numerous opportunities out there that I cannot wait to explore and take advantage of that will help with my success.

Forming Friendships

During my master’s programme, I have the opportunity to work on a variety of group projects with people from all over the world.  One of these groups is for my Communications and Media Management course.  Let me introduce you to my group members!

MANG6268 Group

First on the far left is Sunnie. She is from China and plays the Guzheng, which is a Chinese plucked zither.  Next is Natalie who is from Hong Kong.  Natalie likes to play tennis and basketball and is currently studying the art of Kung Fu.  Bonnie is on the far right and is from Taiwan.  She is a member of the University of Southampton Table Tennis Team.  

These are the three lovely ladies who I work with on a variety of in-class and out-of-class projects.  But, we don’t just work on our course work when we’re together.  We’re girls, plain and simple.  Though we come from different backgrounds and countries, we still talk about shoes and boys and everything else in between.  They’re introducing me to Chinese food restaurants and Oolong Tea and I’m helping them with their English (hopefully!).

Though we were put together to work on course projects, we’ve formed a friendship that I  hope last for a long, long time!

The Importance of Social Networks

In our Marketing in the 21st Century course, we were asked to use our social networks and post messages encouraging our followers to check out the MOOC.  What’s that?  A MOOC is a Massive Open Online Course.  The University of Southampton’s first MOOC focuses on, “Web Science: How the Web is Changing the World” (Future Learn, 2013).  For more information of the MOOC, click here (sotonscomms, 2013):

 After posting, we were then asked to record the reactions we received from our social networks.  Now, having 974 Facebook friends and 143 Twitter followers, I thought it would be easy to get people to like/share/favourite/retweet the link.

Low and behold, it wasn’t.  Two of the four Facebook likes I received were from coursemates, while the other two were from one of my housemate and my aunt in Arizona.  I had a little more luck on Twitter – one retweet from a coursemate, two retweets from a fellow DigiChamp, and one retweet from someone outside my network, @LeanneF.  But, these still weren’t the results I had hoped for.

This assignment made me wonder how companies today are beginning to combine their traditional marketing goals with their social networks to market their products and services. Or, if they aren’t using their social networks, will they ever?  From my experience, there are still companies out there who have separate marketing/advertising budgets for their traditional and digital media components.  Yes, traditional media will always be important, but it’s the integration of traditional media, digital media, and social networks that’s key to a successful campaign. The companies that HAVE integrated their social networks into their marketing plans are changing the marketing world as we know it.

One of those companies is the American coffee and donut chain, Dunkin Donuts.  Their newest campaign took real customer’s tweets with the hashtag #MyDunkin and created a campaign around them.  Instead of collecting research to create commercials, they used the actual experiences, which helps customers feel a greater connection to the brand.  Click here to hear about Meg’s #MyDunkin experience (dunkindonuts, 2013):

By using their social network, Dunkin Donuts engaged their current customers to potentially talk about and share the video with potential customers.  Yes, they’ve paid to make the commercial and for the airtime, but word of mouth marketing and video sharing is, for all intended purposes, priceless.  DunkinDonuts not only helps their customers feel part of the brand, but they also receive free advertising.

DunkinDonuts is just one of many companies who have integrated their social network into their marketing plan.  In the coming years, we’ll see more and more companies do the same as social networks, and whatever the next new digital tool is, become even more important to a brand’s survival.

2013 ODI Summit

NEWSFLASH: On Tuesday, 29 October 2013, I had the honour of meeting the man who invented the World Wide Web.  Don’t believe me?  Well, thanks to Nader, we have picture proof.


This is Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the man who created http://www.  He’s also the President & Founder of the Open Data Institute.  Sir Berners-Lee and Sir Nigel Shadbolt founded ODI in order to raise awareness about open data and encourage more people to share and use open data.

Now, you’re probably asking yourself, as I did, “what is open data?”  It’s actually just that – data that is free for anyone to use, reuse, and redistribute.  I’m still wrapping my head around the idea but I believe it means there is data out there that people can use for free.  However, people either aren’t using it or don’t know it’s out there to use.

At the 2013 ODI Summit, held in London, I learned there is still a bit of a controversy regarding open data.  There are many organisations and government entities that already have data available for public use.  But, there is still a great deal of information that is locked up and unavailable.  I’d start to give examples but the list is endless.

As a novice on this subject, my above explanation of open data may have just confused you more.  For more information on the Open Data Institute and their goals, check out their webpage: http://theodi.org/.


The 2013 ODI Summit was my first UK conference and one I won’t ever forget.  There were speakers and representatives from all over the United Kingdom, the United States, and many other countries.  I had to opportunity to listen to speeches government officials and not-for-profit organisations as well as network with these individuals and other businessmen and women from all over the world.

A huge thanks goes out to Dr. Lisa Harris, the University of Southampton WebScience Doctoral Training Centre, and the University of Southampton Management School!  I am truly grateful to have had the opportunity to attend this event and will use the knowledge I obtained during my postgraduate studies.


The Adventures of Mandy and Tina – London Style


One of my oldest friends Christina came to the UK this past weekend as we met up in London. Oh London, what an amazing city! We had a great time together exploring the city, drinking cider, and making new memories.

This video is a bit longer than the others have been but I promise it’s worth watching the entire thing.

Stonehenge and Bath

On 19 October 2013, I explored Stonehenge and Bath with some friends.  Stonehenge was interesting but the real highlight was Bath. This picturesque English town is one to see and I think the video helps depict just that.

But, I think my favourite part of the trip was how international we were as a group.  I had the pleasure of spending the day with two girls from Greece, one from Brazil, one from Lebanon, and a guy from Georgia – the country, not the state.  Yes, I’m here to study digital marketing, but I’m also here to learn about other cultures and hopefully form relationships with people from around the world.

This past weekend was amazing and I can’t wait to visit Bath again in the near future.

Settling in as a Digital Marketing Postgrad

Well, we’ve been in class for three week and I can honestly say I’m having a blast!  The lectures have been interesting and my classmates are top-notch.   I really do think this is going to be an excellent year at university.  But, with everything, there are both challenges that must be addressed and opportunities that must be taken advantage of. 


One of the greatest challenges I have encountered, and will continue to encounter, is the cultural difference between the United Kingdom, my classmates, and myself.  Newsflash: English in England is different than English in America.  Though I had some idea of this before I left the states, I didn’t realise how much it would impact me.  The best way to overcome this is to just relax and understand that it will take time to feel comfortable saying words such as “toilet” and “queue”.  Change doesn’t happen overnight.  I also need to constantly remind myself that most of my classmates come from countries where English is not their first language.  Group work will take time and patience but in the end, we will not only learn the material together, but also learn how to work as a diverse team.  This skill will most certainly carry over into my professional career.


Another challenge I’m having is actually being back in school.  I haven’t been out of the classroom for that long, but two years in the real world does make a difference.   I’ve forgotten what it’s like to be in a classroom setting, listening to lectures for hours, and taking notes.  Sure, I attended conferences and took notes in meetings as a Junior Media Planner, but I was in a different mind-set.  Not to mention I was paid to attend those conferences and take notes during meetings.  All I need to do is try to remember what it was like when I was 22 – a senior marketing student at Arizona State University, searching for a job, and enjoying my last year as an undergrad.  It’s basically the same feeling and I plan to take in all that I can with the one year I have as a postgraduate student.


There are so many opportunities here at Southampton!  The tricky task is finding the rights ones that will benefit my future.  The DigiChamps are an organisation that helps the University of Southampton community by giving workshops on the digital world, coordinating events to support new technologies, and participating in educational projects.  This is an organisation I want to get more involved with to not only better myself, but to also help others.  The University also offers a plethora of workshops and seminars from practicing your interview skills to meeting international business professionals.  It’s just a matter of finding the right workshops that fit my professional skill building needs.


There are many challenges to overcome and even more opportunities to embrace as I move forward with the year.  With that, I can’t wait to see what happens!